Tools of Tea

Tools of Tea

In Chinese, there is an old saying: “工欲善其事,必先利其器.” meaning that to excel in one’s craft, one must first have the right tools. As the first blog on our website, we are excited to introduce you to the traditional utensils used in Chinese tea ceremonies, highlighting their purpose and significance.

▲ 备水器 (Water Preparation Tools)

  1. 煮水壶 (Zhǔ Shuǐ Hú / Kettle for Boiling Water) — Used for boiling water, an essential step in preparing tea.

▲ 理茶器 (Tea Handling Tools)

  1. 茶针 (Chá Zhēn / Tea Needle) — A tool to clear the spout of the teapot.

  2. 茶夹 (Chá Jiǎ / Tea Tongs) — Tongs for handling tea leaves or cleaning cups.

  3. 茶刀 (Chá Dāo / Tea Knife) — Used for prying compressed teas like Pu-erh cakes and bricks.

▲ 置茶器 (Tea Placement Tools)

  1. 茶罐 (Chá Guàn / Tea Canister) — A container for storing tea leaves.

  2. 茶则 (Chá Zé / Tea Scoop) — A scoop for measuring and taking tea leaves from the container.

  3. 茶荷 (Chá Hé / Tea Holder) — Used for displaying and measuring tea leaves.

  4. 茶匙 (Chá Shǐ / Tea Spoon) — A small spoon for transferring tea leaves from the “Chá Hé” to the teapot.

  5. 茶滤 (Chá Lü / Tea Strainer) — A strainer placed over the “Gōng Dào Bēi” to catch any leaves.

  6. 壶承 (Hú Chéng / Teapot Stand) — A stand to hold teapots, catching excess water and preventing burns.

▲ 品茗器 (Tea Tasting Tools)

  1. 泡茶壶 (Pào Chá Hú / Tea Brewing Pot) — The primary vessel for brewing tea.

  2. 公道杯 (Gōng Dào Bēi / Fairness Pitcher) — A fairness pitcher to evenly distribute tea.

  3. 品茗杯 (Pǐn Míng Bēi / Tea Tasting Cup) — Small cups for drinking tea.

  4. 盖碗 (Gài Wǎn / Lidded Bowl) — A lidded bowl used for brewing and serving tea.

  5. 杯托 (Bēi Tuō / Cup Saucer) — A saucer for holding tea cups.

  6. 盖置 (Gài Zhì / Lid Holder) — A rest for teapot, bowl, or cup lids.

▲ 清潔器 (Cleaning Tools)

  1. 茶盘 (Chá Pán / Tea Tray) — A tray for holding tea utensils.

  2. 茶巾 (Chá Jīn / Tea Towel) — A cloth for drying teapots and wiping spills.

  3. 养壶笔 (Yǎng Hú Bǐ / Teapot Brush) — A brush for cleaning and maintaining teapots.

  4. 水盂 (Shuǐ Yǒu / Waste Bowl) — A bowl for discarded tea leaves and water.

  5. 茶宠 (Chá Chǒng / Tea Pet) — Small figurines kept for decoration and play during tea ceremonies.

China’s rich tea culture has given rise to an incredible variety of tea utensils, each with unique designs, materials, and purposes. Whether you are a collector, a tea enthusiast, or a beginner, you can find tools that match your preferences and budget. Through these carefully crafted items, the beauty of Chinese tea culture continues to thrive around the world.

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